
Windsor Locks is run by a handful of people, many of whom are wildly unqualified for the positions they hold. The party chairs control who gets on to the town’s many commissions, and this choice is made on account of party loyalty and seniority rather than qualifications. This is more true than ever on the Planning & Zoning Commission. While it is arguably the most important commission, it seems likely that none of the members have actually read the Plan of Conservation and Development, though their names are on it. They barely even understand their obligations under state law. This negatively impacts our quality of life, because development is an opportunistic free-for-all rather than part of a higher plan.

The Planning & Zoning Commission doesn’t actually want public engagement. They are one of the only commissions who does not currently have a Zoom option for meetings. They even took their email addresses off of the town website, and failed to replace them with any sort of group email address by which to get a hold of the commission. Given this attitude, it should be no surprise that the average resident doesn’t know what is going on when it comes to matters of planning and zoning. One thing is clear, however, and that is that most residents do not like the direction of development in town. In an atmosphere like this, there ends up being rampant misinformation on both sides of every zoning debate. I hope to have a modest impact on that for the better.